Winter Chess Classic 2025 Results

| 1 min read | by Nick

Thank you to everyone who participated in our 2nd annual Winter Chess Classic open tournament! I wasn't sure we'd be able to top last year's attendance and we certainly did, increasing from 32 participants to a whopping 39! Incredible!

We also had some very exciting games, everything from complete blowouts to some of the narrowest margins of victory we've seen in a tournament, and everything in between!

For those interested in the standings, I've embedded an image here, sorted by rank (click for full-size, opens in new tab): A picture of the tournament standings

You may also, if you prefer, download an Excel file with all the data from each round.

What an amazing event! All our expectations were surpassed, and we appreciated seeing such a diverse showing of talent all gathering for the love of the game of chess.

Huge thanks to our sponsors for supporting us in putting on events just like this one! And much gratitude goes out to the parents, guardians, and spectators, who showed up to support their loved ones!

Finally, the biggest thanks goes to all our participants, without whom this event would not have happened. Thank you so much for playing, and we hope to see you at our next event!